Hannah Thurman is a Brooklyn-based writer originally from Raleigh, NC whose fiction has been published widely.
Her debut novel, MERCY HILL, is forthcoming from Doubleday in 2026.
She was recently named a 2024 NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellow in Fiction.
Winner of the 2023 Florida Review’s Editor’s prize, she’s been chosen for conferences/residencies at Bread Loaf, Ragdale, Vermont Studio Center, VCCA, and Yaddo.
Selected Publications
Beautiful F__ing Problems
Winner of the Florida Review’s Annual Fiction Prize
Received Contributing Editor Nomination for Pushcart Prize
Florida Review (Print, Summer 2024)
Thin Skin
Longlisted for the 2022 CRAFT Short Fiction Prize
Southern Indiana Review (Print, Fall 2023)
The Iowa Review (Print, Fall 2023)
Widows and Orphans
Meridian (Print, Fall 2017)
Around the World in 365 Days
The Yalobusha Review (September 2015)
A Snowball's Chance
Butter Eggs
The Brooklyn Rail (Print, June 2015)
New Timing
Aethlon (Print, May 2015)
Three Ounces or Less
Michigan Quarterly Review (Print, December 2014)
Lease on Life
The Lifted Brow (Print, August 2014)